Title: ACME Custard Pie Lancher
Filename: graphics/custard.zip
Size: 131 KB
Date: 06/28/94
Author: Bernhard
Description: Yes folks, the all new ACME Custard Pie Launcher is a marvel of modern technology. Capable of firing Custard pies at high velocity and deady accuracy at friend and foe alike, the ACME Custard Pie Launcher is a must for every Doomer's arsenal. Smother enemies in custard, or, if you miss, have them helpless with the giggles. The ACME Custard Pie Launcher features an Anti-recoil firing mechanism; lightweight carbon-fiber-titanium-aluminium body, Infra-red sighting (Helmet and visor not included) and non-automatic target aquisition.
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Yay, more do it yourselves. Ah, 94 wads.x
This is one of the few wads that really makes me go WTF?x

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