Title: the pit, crossroads and hellkeeper
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/map1-3.zip
Size: 24.54 KB
Date: 10/23/95
Author: Owen
Description: See for youe self.
Credits: The authors of doomcad and id.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: +/- 1 hour (including play-testing)
Editor(s) used: Doomcad
Bugs: None found.
Rating: (6 votes)
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inconsequential rubbishx
This cannot be taken seriously as a mapset, it's too bad for that. Besides that, I seriously wonder what author means with the word 'playtesting', because at least E3M2 cannot be finished. Overall: too bad for even remotely earning one star for the effort.x
Three small fun levels, minimalistic design and low monster counts, focus on tough (for the time) gameplay. Two linedef specials in the wrong places on E3M1 and E3M2 can get you stuck in vanilla compat. The former is negligible in practical play, the latter requires killing the free-wheeling Imps in the start area, otherwise you may find the first door inoperable on return.x

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