Title: One Park Avenue DOOM II Level
Filename: levels/doom2/0-9/1park2.zip
Size: 83.06 KB
Date: 07/21/08
Author: Steve Baldwin
Description: It is January 1996, and Forstman-Little's purchase of Ziff-Davis has gone through as smoothly as silk. You've laid down your trusty plasma gun for what you think is the last time -- surely you can eke out a living far away from 1 Park Avenune, perhaps as a freelance WAD programmer, and forever give up the killing daily routine of deadlines, vendor meetings, and the total elimination of passive voice in copy. But a phone rings late in the night, and even before you pick up the handset, the ringing augers blood, and once you hear the whispering voice calling you back to One Park Avenue, your dreams of a normal life have evaporated. Your duty: to once again dispel the demons, mutants, and mercenaries who have so desperately tried to wrest Ziff-Davis's 11th Floor editorial offices for their own evil purposes.
Credits: Gus Venditto, Brian Wilson, for their invaluable beta testing advice.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DEU2, Mapcon
Bugs: None that I've seen.
Rating: (27 votes)
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