Title: Three Level WAD
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/threelev.zip
Size: 204.23 KB
Date: 11/14/10
Author: lathaniel
Description: Three levels for Ultimate Doom, nothing fancy
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Maybe a couple months
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2
Rating: (7 votes)
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Pretty darn good, challenging in parts I sped my way through this in under 30 minutes, a little unrefined but kept me entertained throughoutx
ugly and cheapx
Pretty good. The way Doom is meant to be.x
M3 was my favorite, fights are entertaining and layout is just good enough to be pleasant, coldfusio. x
No frills - just three good solid maps in the classic style. The layouts and balance are good, and the architecture is varied. I came across no serious bugs or errors. I look forward to more maps from this source.x
I'll give this one 4 stars, even if you dont agree with it. It was fun while it lasted (round 20 minutes), fast-paced, not bad, but of simple architecture. The modesty of the description is nice, 4 stars instead of 3.x
Rough around the edges, but there's some decent fun to be had. M2 was probably my favorite... M3 was just too damn dark, though.x

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