Title: Jeff's Hell
Filename: levels/doom/j-l/jeffhell.zip
Size: 16.79 KB
Date: 06/02/96
Author: Jeff Velten
Description: This is my first attempt at creating a PWAD, so keep the flames to a minimum. Try not to get your ass blown off!!!
Credits: Brendon Wyber (DEU 5.21)
Raphaël Quinet (DEU 5.21)
id software, the Doom gods!
Troy Setford and James Rohrbaugh for playtesting
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 14 hours, give or take a few beers
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21
Bugs: I didn't notice any.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Well, I wasn't expecting much from a guy's first wad which is only 45 KB, but it was actually somewhat decent. It's mostly corridors but there is something quirky and interesting about the progression and it even almost killed me.x
Has some interest, but is simple and not very enjoying.x

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