Title: the abandoned base
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/comp_01.zip
Size: 196.9 KB
Date: 02/28/00
Author: john cartwright
Description: A small tight high-tech base map for boom, hopefully it is a unique design.
Credits: id software, the authors of wintex, psp, wadauthor, dck, boom ed' util's and duke3d,
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: wadauthor, dck, wintex, paintshop pro, boom editing utils, mid2mus,
Bugs: some cockroaches in the dark corners:).
Rating: (2 votes)
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Not an overly interesting map. The door mechanics are nice, but the map is all large rectangular hallways filled with E1 monsters that you slowly chew through with a shotgun. -Phobusx
This isn't a bad little base. It's not hard but it's fun and doesn't take to much time to beat. 3/14/07x

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