Title: Cape Moss Ablaze (v1.20)
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/capemoss.zip
Size: 77.3 KB
Date: 09/06/95
Author: Matias Arje
Description: This if my first PWAD. The game area of MAP01 is my house and MAP02 is the surroundings. I think you can figure out the level shift yourself (I intended to make only one level, but it was rather heavy-duty one so it had to splitted just to make it playable). The area of these levels is called Sammalniemi, Cape Moss in English, located in Korpilahti, Middle-Finland.
Credits: - My little brothers Johannes & Aleksis who playtested almost every version of these levels. - My father (arje@tukki.jyu.fi), who supplied me the blueprints of our house. - Mikko Parry (parry@freenet.hut.fi) who lended me his computer system while he was abroad. - Tero Poikonen (kraken@freenet.hut.fi) who simply asked me for credits.
Base: Level 01: Blueprints of our house. Improvised a bit when creating locked doors, lowering cupboards, furniture and creatures (we have only 2 pain elementals in our sauna). Level 02: Looked around. Improvised a lot after the yellow door.
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: This one is really bizarre. Sometimes Arch-Viles resurrect monsters with apparently no clipping (!!). They are able to walk thru walls and they cannot be shot (they are vulnerable to Arch-Viles' fire) but they can damage you! I have not seen this bug in any other wad. Maybe there is just too much to display and shoot.

Switch texture is quite ugly when surrounded by TANWALLs. I did not bother to edit one for TANWALL2.

The brick wall of our house looks ugly due to DOOM engine lacks separate texture alignments for upper, normal and lower textures. (Do I repeat myself? Do I repeat myself?)
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