Title: Citadel of Sorrow (CITDOOM2.WAD) (For Doom ][)
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/citdoom2.zip
Size: 278.86 KB
Date: 11/27/98
Author: Wilco van den Dool
Description: Tired of those abstract Wads where you have more difficulty fighting against sleep caused by the plain boredom of the environment than battling your numerous adversaries?

*Then this PWad might just be something you need*

Can you escape from the Citadel Of Sorrow? Blast your way through dozens of enemies against the sinister setting of a Medieval Castle. Experience agony in one of the biggest levels ever-675k of death defying violence! Gaze in awe at the highly detailed and atmospheric rooms!(Well,as far as the Doom-engine makes it possible) And if just killing the monsters isn't enough to satisfy your sadistic needs,there's always the interactive torture chamber!
Credits: The Guys at ID for making such a kickass game, Raphael Quinet & Brendon Wyber,authors of DEU, Colin Reed,author of BSP, Albert & Marcel van Os for additional Sound Effects and playtesting and Michael van den Dool for playtesting.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 120-150 hours in a total of 8 months(inc.updates)
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.21 GCC (+ several updated versions for use with Doom ][) & WadMaster 1.01á:a great editor with lots of options(texture alignment/editing),based on DEU, AND...it uses a Dos-Extender!
Bugs: Only a couple of minor glitches in the court yard that stayed,even after ID's release of v1.666

* Misc. Notes *
Rating: (4 votes)
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This is dated September 1995. It's one of those old-fashioned large-scale castle maps packed with secret passageways and nooks etc that you absolutely have to scour because the keys are hidden in them. There's a tonne of action although it's very mazey and I found myself becoming bored; the design is very simple and the mass of hitscan baddies is often frustrating. Overall it's very much of its time.x
Not a bad castle at all. 3.5 stars would be about right.x

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