Title: Crossfire
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/crosfire.zip
Size: 20.16 KB
Date: 01/02/00
Author: Joe Pallai
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 35 hours
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: When you turn around after throwing
Rating: (3 votes)
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I liked itx
January 2000, Map04. You fight 72 baddies in a compact slimey open-air dungeon. It really only has three rooms, but it's not bad; the main problem is that it's easy (you get all the weapons right at the start and there's a lot of health), but then again it was supposed to be only Map04 in a larger megawad. Sadly PUREDOOM only amounted to three levels from 2000, although the author contributed to id=12351 in 2004.x

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