Title: Castle of Death
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dethcast.zip
Size: 214.62 KB
Date: 03/01/97
Author: Dan Miler "D-Soft"
Description: Killer "castle" style Deathmatch level for Doom2! BFG is there, but smart players can easily keep other players from getting it! Very addicting and excellent layout! This WAD is guarenteed to make you a Doom2 Deathmatch Junkie! :)
Credits: Jeff Balcom for playtesting
Base: No information! This wad originally started out as Map#5 of DWANGO5.WAD. There have been many changes since that level, and is now totally different! I would like to give credit to the original author, but have no idea who it is. You know who you are! THANKS!
Build time: Didn't keep track. :)
Editor(s) used: RGDoomEd Deluxe, Doomcad, and NWT!
Rating: (1 vote)
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A not-too-shabby mod of Talon's THE_KEEP wad.x

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