Title: Games
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/games.zip
Size: 76.24 KB
Date: 05/09/97
Author: Ante Smolcic - Smola
Description: Games is a collection of 3 WADS. It is called Games because you have some rules and limitations while playing the levels. The rules are there to force the player to do some things (to run, to take care at what he shoots and when, to save ammo etc.). Basically, I tried to keep things dinamic.

All three levels are wide ones and there is no hard enemies - just two Cybers in the first level. Anyway, see the description of each level at the end of this file.
Credits: Christian E. for bringing up old memories
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62 (shareware) and DEU2 (1.0)
Bugs: None. I fixed few visplanes, so who knows.
Rating: (2 votes)
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A creative little set of puzzley maps. The ideas could use some building on, but it's interesting nonetheless. 3 stars. - Obsidianx

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