Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/ghost2.zip
Size: 520.23 KB
Date: 03/02/98
Author: Guy Babin
Credits: "GHOST" is played by Guy Babin. Level designed and constructed by Guy Babin. Music composed and programmed by Guy Babin.

Other graphics (models) were built, painted, and photographed by Guy Babin. Models provided by AURORA.
Base: New base.
Build time: 6 months on and off.
Editor(s) used: WAUTHOR, DEUSF, DEHACKED, and WINTEX 4.1.
Bugs: None I can find.
Rating: (3 votes)
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quite impressive and novel ideas..lacks fun gameplay though...some gimmicks are funnyx
kinda weirdx
I was optimistic when I saw that there were apparently fully original sounds, graphics and music. Unfortunately, none of that makes this a worthwhile wad. Big, empty, horribly textured rooms with major alignment issues, terrible and repetitive voice acting, garbled demon graphics, and a poorly digitally photographed monster all compliment the nonsensical story. The only redeeming quality is the music which, with minor edits, would be at home in a far better wad.x

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