Title: Overload
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/overload.zip
Size: 127.6 KB
Date: 08/27/01
Author: Thomas Bringle
Description: Pwad for DOOM2 - Only 7 rooms but this one got WAY out of hand. May still be some visplane errors in 1.9, but BSP30 -vp option really cleaned it well. Tested fine in Doom95. Could this be the world's 1st Doom95 specific wad?
Credits: Renaud Paquay for Windeu32, Colin Reed and Lee Killough for bsp30 and Jens Hyykelbjerg for rmb30.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Windeu32
Bugs: Visplane trouble in vanilla 1.9
Rating: (6 votes)
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kinda weird and likedx
Than fuck its over (lord!).x

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