Title: Sewers
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/sewer666.zip
Size: 70.4 KB
Date: 10/04/96
Author: Psyborg (Pete Kolts)
Description: Escaping through the sewers
Credits: The ppl at ID
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: EdMap, WARMdos
Bugs: None that I know of
Rating: (5 votes)
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didn't like the dark sewers, but liked the restx
This is from June 1996. It's not the same "Sewers" that was included as a bonus map with the Collector's Edition of XBox Doom III (which is in the archive as id=13407). Instead this is a dismal dark maze, poorly-designed, ugly-looking, no fun to play, totally out of date even for 1996. I hated it.x
how did THIS got into xboxdoom?x
Props for getting this map into XBox Doom3.x
not to good x

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