Title: Gestalt666's Town of Heresy
Filename: levels/heretic/0-9/666town.zip
Size: 46.32 KB
Date: 06/24/97
Author: John Bye (aka Gestalt666)
Description: Starting in the town square, you have to fight your way through three areas to find the keys you need, before entering the final, fourth area and taking on the Maulotaur...
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Base: New level from scratch
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Editor(s) used: DCK2.2, BSP2.1, WinTex, Endoomer
Rating: (9 votes)
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What the 1/5 guy said. Boring and cramped. Pretty shitty.x
A very boring level that isn't even interestingly bad. All the rooms are cramped and there's barely any height variation; monsters are simply there without any real depth of combat. The maulotaur can't leave his sector and the exit could count as a mandatory secret. IMO this doesn't deserve better than a 1/5.x
A good challenge. 5/5 x
No texture misalignment but somewhat cubic lighting, otherwise near darkness (espiecally in the maulotaur room), and strange end-level switch (a simply wall oO). 2/5. ~Naanx
Clean, but monodimensional (literally) and short. Strange weapon selection/placement, too. --TDotWx

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