Title: D'Sparil's Lost Keep
Filename: levels/heretic/d-f/dlkeep.zip
Size: 53.83 KB
Date: 04/29/00
Author: Pritesh Mistry [Ice]
Description: A base style level, with lots of monsters.
Base: New level fron scratch.
Build time: About 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: DCK v3.62, Zennode v0.98a, WadAuthor v1.3, WinTex v4.3
Bugs: Possible Buffer Under Run or Overun errors when saving, if so use Wheretic instead.
Rating: (5 votes)
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A bit of a mashup of themes, and not super pretty, but not ugly either. It's fun thoguh, which is what counts. Has a few non-standard uses of teleport glitter, but otherwise things work as expected, even using the Raven key progression. Although the author recommends WHeretic it's fine for vanilla if you don't save. Interesting method of making you face the boss at the end instead of chickening out.x
Really good levelx
It is a very good map, I wish you would make more levels!x
Fair action-packed level, even if the switch trigger in the beginning is not obvious, the difficulty is inequal, and the architecture is quite plain. 3/5 ~Naanx

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