Title: DWARF1
Filename: levels/hexen/deathmatch/g-i/hexdwarf.zip
Size: 20.15 KB
Date: 12/19/95
Author: Michael Giles
Description: If you are looking for a hard level to finish, well you got the wrong one here, this level is made strictly for playing Deathmatch! Sure there are monsters, but for a veteran, this level will be cake! Although there are a few good secrets with some goodies beyond. Watch for areas w/ one way walls to see through, very good ambush spots. Basically, this level is an arena w/ ledges and rooms built off of it!

Credits: Nathan Kidney, for actually designing the nice symetrical curvey stairs in the open area! John Ridge, Andrew ?, For both helping me debug the level and playtest for hours!
Base: New level from scratch!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.17-1.23, Actually better than DEU!
Bugs: None, I hope! There is one room with an impassable invisible wall, this is on purpose.
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