Title: PornDoom v1.0
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/pdoom10.zip
Size: 434.98 KB
Date: 07/09/94
Author: Don "Billy what is it?!" Edil, Jon "God I'm Good!" Somodi, and inspired by Rob "Yeah! 15 frags! Luck
Description: This puppy has been on the back burner for the last 4 months, but we finally got around to putting all the pics in a pwad file. This is a collection of 45 beautiful, gorgeous, tantalizing (and titillating), and yes even in some cases shocking, pictures that replace 64 of the original wall and door textures. If we were blue haired old ladies we'd put some kind of warning on this wad file, but we're not. We couldn't care less who uses this. In fact we think everyone needs to play Doom this way :) There are some pics that show up more often than others. There are some levels that, as Rob would say "were made for PornDoom!" One good level for viewing pleasure is Episode 2 Level 5. Other than that have fun with it!
Credits: iD - "We're not worthy!" Bill Neisius - DMGRAPH v1.1 - "Way to go Bill!"

Beta Testers Greg "Alrighty now!" Wogar - "...TWO THUMBS UP!!" Matthew "Berserker" Graham - "...* * * * 1/2 !!!" Times-Colonist - "...one of the summer's BEST!" Newsweek - "...if only all PWads were this good!" Time - "...a definite winner!...fun for the whole family!"
Base: About 6 hours to scale down all the GIF pics, and convert them to PPM (*this was before the latest version of DMGRAPH*) About 1 hour to finally getting around to figuring out how to store pics in pwad and inserting them!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DMGRAPH v1.1
Bugs: None. Some of the pics might be a bit hard to find though.
Rating: (10 votes)
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this is just trash. 0/5x
haha oh man I jerked off so hard to this like 12 times already, this is definitely replacing the 3 gigs of porn that's been wasting space on my harddrive.... thanks Don and John!x
0_o i havent played this yet (and maybe i wont ever play it) but the author looks COMPLETELY retarded!!!!! he looks like some insane retarded idiot -99999999 for the textfile :-&x
This is a collection of scanned photographs that replace wall textures. The models are mostly topless, but there is one hardcore shot. The quality is horrendous. As this is twelve years old it's a nostalgic way for you to see the kind of pornography your dad masturbated over.x
Shitty cant see pics well x
it's sweet and hilariousx

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