Title: Energia 1.01
Filename: themes/drwho/ener1-01.zip
Size: 1.13 MB
Date: 06/21/97
Author: Dimensionality
Description: 20 maps on Skaro. Single player or Coop to steal the Daleks' new Time Disruptor;

Deathmatch: Prevent your opponents from getting the Time Disruptor -- the last map is a race to the finish

This version does NOT require DeHackEd. If I remembered to include the DeH, be warned it's a VERY early beta... testing suggestions welcome, but note the date... this should be superceeded pretty soon, as if anyone out there still plays with Doom II...

Caveat: whilst I prominently label this as 1.01. not all the probs in 1.0 are fixed. 8-\
Credits: Lobser, Brockhouse, Malcolm, and Cusick
Base: New levels from scratch.
Build time: June 1995 - Present (Ugh! Distractions!)
Editor(s) used: DoomCAD 5.1 and 6.1, DeuTex and DeuSF 3.4, WinTex 4.0e, DCK 2.2 and 3.3, WARMDOS,MS Paint, and Micrographix Picture Publisher, and PhotoStyler 2.0 WinDEU 5.24, DoomCAD 6.1, WadEd
Bugs: 1 pesky node prob in Arrival fixed... replaced by serious aesthetic flaws...
Rating: (3 votes)
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Schveet! WANT...MORE......x
Not bad not bad at all.x

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