Title: Killer Barrels!!!
Filename: utils/exe_edit/patches/barrels.zip
Size: 7.11 KB
Date: 07/03/95
Author: Stephen Crowley
Description: Barrels, Barrels and more barrels.... Nearly every monster (except for bosses) have been turned into killer slop barrels. The barrels are filled with blood, toxic wast, crap, or gray slime. Barrels will follow chase you through the level just like normal guys, except faster, and blow up when they get next to you. I often find myself running for my life with this patch. :)
Base: Default ID exe
Build time:
Editor(s) used: D2 V4.0
Bugs: Barrels will explode 2-3 times when they get close.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Fail, there is NO explanation on how to use the cryptic .pat file and ended up crashing my computer somehow. I will download the other one now and I'm sure that one will work much better than this.x

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