Title: Lots Of Stuff
Filename: utils/exe_edit/patches/lotsstuf.zip
Size: 2.3 KB
Date: 07/01/97
Author: John Van Assche
Description: A strange patch that does many things 1.It turns the rocket launcher into a laser cannon 2.Makes the pistol and shotgun guys look like different colors of you 3.Replaces cyberdemon with Megademon(you thought you hated it before just wait) 4.Replaces Imps with nightmare imps(maybe) 6.And some other weird stuff....
Credits: id - Creators of DOOM and DOOM 2 Greg Lewis - Dehacked v3.0
Base: New Patch From Scratch
Build time: 2 Days
Editor(s) used: Dehacked v3.0
Bugs: Somtimes locks up, Nightmare Imps may not work
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