Title: Ultimate Doom Project Leftovers
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/udpl.zip
Size: 160.59 KB
Date: 07/15/13
Author: Memfis
Description: Four levels for Ultimate Doom running on M1 of each episode, roughly in the original episode's style. Had planned on expanding but lost interest for now.
Credits: ID Software, Music authors
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Several weeks/months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: None
Rating: (10 votes)
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A solid map pack, but doesn't really deserve more than 3 out of 5. The maps are too short and too easy.x
Wow, I loved this little map set ;) Definitely got the ultimate doom vibe on every map and at the same time, it felt refreshing. The design was very nice and stayed close to the original episodes' themes. Hope to see more from you in the future :) 5/5x
Unfortunately I don't think the author plans on doing any more with this. To bad, because they are all solid starter maps. Give it a quick play. x
nicolas monti
Clever design, loved the curved corridors on e1m1, sometimes I had to run with no armor but anyway that was fun, I'm waiting for an entire episode. also great texturing and music choices. Nicolás Monti. x
Played these a long time back, were pretty decent. x
Just to clarify, this wasn't uploaded by me. I'm fine with people uploading my stuff but I'd suggest mentioning your nickname or something in the *.txt next time to avoid confusion. Also, music credits: e1m1 - "Unplugged" from the Incredible Machine games, e2m1 - opening song from the anime Witch Hunter Robin, e3m1 - map21 from Doom 2 Unleashed, e4m1 - SOMEWHER.MOD.x

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