Filename: levels/doom/a-c/castle1.zip
Size: 123.83 KB
Date: 05/07/14
Author: Lorenzo Caira
Description: This level was designed for expert players as the puzzles are far from easy !. It will probably take you over one hour to complete first time around. All textures have been aligned and plenty of thought has gone into designing each room. It's excellent in deathmatch mode as there are plenty of hide-outs and sneaky traps to lure your opponents into. Make sure to use the "Altdeath" command line parameter for respawning when playing in deathmatch mode as it's badly needed for this level.
Credits: Colin Reed for BSP, Raphaël Quinet and Brendon J Wyber for Deu, the lads at id and all the playtesters.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu ver. 5.21 , BSP ver. 1.1x.
Bugs: Bugs! are you crazy?
Rating: (8 votes)
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Basically not too bad 1994-style wad with a lot of 1994-typical design flaws. Gameplay is not hard at all, and depends way too much on sometimes difficult to find 'secrets' hardly worth that name. Solved it @ UV in not an hour, but about 14 minutes. IMHO it looks like a very enthousiastic first wad. Overall: 3/5, you might give it a try if you like 1994-style wads. BTW @ Lorenzo: AFAIK I'm not crazy *and* found two bugs ;-).x
Good puzzles and challanges altough there are some crappy positions with the enemies and some of the textures kinda joke-y and 1994-ish. Nice.x
I couldn't get the yellow key...x

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