Title: The River
Filename: levels/heretic/p-r/river.zip
Size: 55.64 KB
Date: 06/02/15
Author: Stephen Hogge
Description: You have just arrived within a monster infested complex and after fighting your way through...the river awaits.
Credits: Josh Martel and Tom Mustaine for Heu 1.0, Colin Reed for Bsp 1.0, Jim Swanson for playtesting, John Evans for ideas, my girlfriend Julie for buying Heretic for me, Raven Software and id for a great game.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: To frigging long...hope you enjoy it :)
Editor(s) used: Heu 1.0 and Bsp 1.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)
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Good for a first map, but the map breaks.x
Ugly, amateour map.x
Technically not bad hodgepodge level. The layout misses a leitmotiv and looks like a bunch of random scenes, the maze is a clear fail. Sector 111 idea looks poor. Gameplay @ UV completely misses a flow and is too much based on wings. Monster placement is dull and sometimes hilarious (3 iron liches simply does not work there). And most of the secrets are unhinted. Overall playing it gave at best a strong meh feeling. Despite that, 3* as encouragement because we need more Heretic levels :-)x
Nice heretic level also to the review above me its not the author's first level but his first heretic wad, but i also agree this is great 3/5x
for a first map this is great! 5/5x

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