Title: UAC Headquarters
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tqmap02.zip
Size: 78.26 KB
Date: 11/07/97
Author: Tommie Quick
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 1 - 2 weeks (node building took 20 minutes on my old machine!!!!)
Editor(s) used: DCK v 2.2
Bugs: No major bugs. There are a few texture alignment problems, but nothing that will effect game play.
Rating: (6 votes)
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A fun medium-sized techbase with competent texturing and some neat little ideas. A bit too linear though, plus that bullshit barrel trap lead to my death so I had to replay the whole thing. And the health/ammo balance is too generous by modern standards.x
an oldie but goodie. surprisingly good detail and well thought out and planned. however contrary to what the author said there is a significant bug in it. i plan to fix it myself since the level is so damn good. so -1 star only for that. RainboWarrioRx
This is a castle-style map, although the castle in this case is a big black square. The level isn't bad, although it's undetailed and old-fashioned; the gameplay is decent, and there's one of those long corridors where there are no baddies until you reach the far end, and then it goes dark etc. As the author admits, three-quarters of the castle are blank, so it's fairly small. About 130-ish mostly medium monsters.x

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