Title: Nukecity for Doom II
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/m-o/nukcity2.zip
Size: 199.12 KB
Date: 09/08/96
Author: Eric Tremblay (BLOODSHED) 08/21/96.
Description: Enhanced and revised version of my original Nukecity.wad

Deathmatch arena which recreates depraved city environment featuring sky atomic bombing, church, library, tower,appartment building and cinema. Many new graphics.My attempt to keep Dukenukem3ders interested in Doom.
Credits: Thanks to Henk Gierveld for his nice babe movie pictures (pamela.wad)

Steve McCrea for the p_clock patch I used on the top facade of my church (trinity.wad)

Acid,Darkhell and DMFW for their help in the original version.

ID Software for one of the greatest games ever and Hexen's stained glass texture.

This wad is dedicated to all my new and old buddies at Media Spectrum BBS and the good old days of Virtual Gaming Station BBS in Montreal for greatest 4-Player games.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.1, Wintex 4.1, NWT 1.03,EW 1.02.Paint Shop Pro 2.0 and Neopaint for creating the new textures (Bomb,coca-cola sign,doors and cinema facade) TED 1.2 for endscreen and warm 1.6 for node building.
Bugs: None known except for the bomb mirror effect when looking north from the top of the tower. Does not affect gaming in any way.
Rating: (3 votes)
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A few bugs, but overall this is great for 1996. Very clever adding extra frames of animation for the boob lady.x
Great wad.x

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