Title: Augustus Caesar 2nd
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/a-c/august2.zip
Size: 8.47 KB
Date: 02/10/96
Author: Neil R. Bonner
Description: Pure deathmatch design. Well balanced placement of weapons and ammo. This level offers a real challenge to experienced deathmatch players. The more advanced weapons require some risk to obtain.
Credits: My son (Neil Ryan) who gave me some good ideas regarding secrets and the textures in the "blue" room. My beta testers: Michael W., Glenn S., and Rob W. Thanks for the frags!
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Renegade Graphics DoomED Deluxe v2.86, DeepBSP v3.1a.
Bugs: None. This level is clean!.

I recommend this level for those more experienced at deathmatch combat. Two player games should be played with monsters and respawn on. Good sniping locations but "campers" can be easily splattered by the veteran warrior.Slap some shells in your combat shotgun and get some frags!
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