Filename: levels/doom/g-i/infinity.zip
Size: 453.65 KB
Date: 05/11/95
Author: Bjorn Hermans and Holger Nathrath
Description: This set of 8 levels has been made with the word quality in mind. It's Mind here, not Muscles! We have tried to find a good mixture of action, architecture and adrenaline. Some of the levels may be a breeze, others may be a real pain in the *ss. But remember one thing: YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE THE CHEATS!!! There are a few very though places, but they can be done. When it seems you can't get around them without using the cheats, you may be doing it the wrong way and/or you may have missed something(s). Hidden entrances to rooms can always be recognized in some way (different texture, different light-level, etc.).
Credits: DEU (5.2GCC and 5.21), BSP (1.2x) and their many contributors; Id (no comment); all those people who have been so kind to send us remarks and feed-back about our previous wad-files (NATHRATH, SERENITY and ETERNITY); every WADmaker whose WAD has been a source of inspiration for the rooms in INFINITY.

And all those many others we have forgotten.
Base: 8 new levels from scratch.
Build time: About one month.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 and 5.22GCC, plus BSP 1.2x and IDBSP.
Bugs: There are a few small HOMs to be seen (when you use Doom 1.2 or earlier) in some rooms, because of the many linedefs. There aren't any places where it is very prominent in sight, nor where it distracts you.
Rating: (32 votes)
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