Title: Alien 2 - The Revenge
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/alien2.zip
Size: 58.2 KB
Date: 09/02/02
Author: Ismaele (Alberto Sposito)
Description: 2.txt file. But, if you want enjoy yourself, I suggest that you DO
Credits: Id Software, for making Doom.

Base: Completely new level from scratch.
Build time: 5 days! (I'm on holiday!)
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor, the best editor I have found.
Bugs: I think there is no bug, but if you find a bug, send me an e-mail!

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Rating: (6 votes)
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Lack design variability and challenge in combats...x
This is dated July 2001. It's Map21, and it's not bad, although very perfunctory and slight. You fight just under a hundred weak monsters in a series of square techbase rooms. As a 1994 map it would be good fun for a short blast, but it's from 2001, and very old-hat. There's a lethal, unannounced crushing ceiling trap, and you get far more weapons than you need. The final battle is okay, although the cyberdemon looks odd with his head in the ceiling.x

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