Title: Beyond Earth
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/beyond-1.zip
Size: 76.27 KB
Date: 01/28/99
Author: Richard J. Sham
Description: An indoor/outdoor with lots of action. The ending is where the name came from.

Single player only.
Credits: My son (Rich) and friend (John Blackburn) for playtesting. My friends Jim Oldland and Warlock for encouragement. Thank you much!

My wife (with love) for her encouragement.

id Software and the Deep team.
Base: New level built from scratch.
Build time: Several weeks.
Editor(s) used: Deep97
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)
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Good map, but a lots of archviles and relevants. And too much cyberdemons I think.x
fun map and the dinner party was funnyx
This is a fun, happening level with almost 300 baddies packed into a fairly small space. In fact it's a gem. The style is classic Doom II stone castle. It's basically a series of small arenas linked together, but they're hectic - not overly hard, but you have to keep moving. It gets better as it goes along, especially the protracted, multi-stage final battle, which is still slightly tricky even if you get the hidden BFG.x
A good fight. Lots of action, as advertised, all the way through... then, at the end, you have a good puzzle to figure out which looks like the final battle... then it turns out to yield another key which leads to an even bigger finish. A small winner all around.x

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