Title: Blind Alley P., The Boardwalk
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bndalyp.zip
Size: 47.87 KB
Date: 10/22/02
Author: Gene Bird
Description: The monsters have taken over your neighborhood and it is up to you to "MAKE THEM PAY!"
Credits: The Id folks, The Deepsea Team.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Around 80 hours
Editor(s) used: Deepsea 11.1
Bugs: Release a buggy wad??? I don't think so!
Rating: (9 votes)
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This is defenitely better than first wad by GB aka Searcher, "bndalyo". ***x
A little ugly, but still really fun. 4/5x
Not the greatest level in the world by any stretch of the imagination and some of the secrets needed a bit more work, but overall the gameplay is fun, fast, and furious and thats the essense of doom right?x
A competent but very dull level that seems five years too late; it is very 1996, 1997. It has blocky architecture, plain textures, and a strangely truncated ending.x

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