Title: Blind Alley Q., "The Warf"
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bndalyq.zip
Size: 137.45 KB
Date: 11/18/02
Author: Gene Bird
Description: The monsters have taken over and it is up to you to "MAKE THEM PAY!"
Credits: The id folks, The Deepsea Team.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Around 100 hours
Editor(s) used: Deepsea 11.1
Bugs: Release a buggy wad??? I don't think so!
Rating: (11 votes)
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This is dated November 2002. It's a simple, undetailed, but fun medieval-style level. You fight 300+ monsters in a series of squarish, undetailed rooms - but it's fun. The gameplay is totally unsubtle and the whole thing is really a 1995 level with more monsters, but I liked it, because it's unpretentious. There's an oddly detailed submarine that you never visit and barely see, and it seems to get slicker as it goes on.x

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