Title: outpost of death
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dethpost.zip
Size: 33.86 KB
Date: 08/06/96
Author: Brian Glines
Description: A single player/cooperative level with deathmatch starts...I don't think it would be good for dm, though. if you do play dm, remember the -nomonsters switch, or else your screwed.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 2 days
Editor(s) used: Waded version 1.83 and rmb for the nodes
Bugs: none
Rating: (5 votes)
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By a 12 years old kid in 96s!really Doomkid? its awesome then,despite having bit surplus health/ammo ... x
Brian Glines and Kevin Worrel both have Doom maps on this archive, and both of them went on to work on the COD series. So many Doomers hate COD, yet it was spawned by Doom lovers.. Fancy that, huh? Figures it was an interesting bit of trivia. He made this when he was 12, not bad, not bad at all.x
cool y7eax
a tad short but still a decent wad 3/5x

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