Title: Rocky Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/p-r/rockydm.zip
Size: 12.44 KB
Date: 12/09/02
Author: Sandman
Description: Small deathmatch level with a rocky, greenish theme. I realize that most of this level could be much less linear, but I designed it a long time ago, and I honestly don't care :) . I think all the weapons are present and easy to find, although you may have to crank up the contrast on your monitor to see everything. I hope you enjoy it!
Credits: ID Software for the creation of Doom, as well as David Redett, Ruthele Turner, and Reyna Crane, for refraining to check on what I was doing in class, and don't forget the creators of DoomCad v6.1, and the creators of BSP v5.0
Base: New from scratch
Build time: right around ten hours
Editor(s) used: DoomCad 6.1, BSP 5.0
Bugs: None that are known
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