Title: Jenova
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jenova.zip
Size: 41.63 KB
Date: 02/14/08
Author: Heavy Gunner
Description: A map of my first times of Doom editing, so maybe it's a bit crude.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: No idea
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Rating: (6 votes)
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Jaxxoon R
Very boxy and simplistic, nothing too offensive. It had nothing to do with Final Fantasy 7 though, so I'm very unhappy about that 0 Sephiroths out of 10.x
Nice first map. Author has potential. Detail is very basic, and needs work. Gameplay is good, with a nice end battle. There are a few new textures, used for soda machines and a room indicating weapons and ammo. 3/5x
totally forgettable. 1/5x
This is the author's first map. Its pretty easy with good gameplay though there are a few HOMs and tutti fruttis (in Vanilla Doom). The Cyberdemon fight caught me by surprise and is tricky. There is a built in Dehacked that when you kill the Cyber the level ends. Its an allright enough effort for a first map. 2 stars x

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