Title: Madness
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/madness2.zip
Size: 30.85 KB
Date: 08/19/97
Author: Gaurav Bedi
Description: More madness than ever before. Better than old madness2 wad.
Credits: ID Software, creators of Doom2
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Rating: (5 votes)
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Better than the first by a long shot. Their is a lot of going back to places where you've already been, which I didn't expect. Instead of 3 levels like in the first one, you get 1 really long level. If you are going to play this keep in mind that it is really just mindless killing, but in my opinion (and apparently the guy before me) that can be fun sometimes. It's from 1997, so I give it 3/5 stars.x
fun killingx

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