Title: Mud (dont ask me why. I just felt like calling it mud.ok)
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mud.zip
Size: 28.87 KB
Date: 08/08/97
Author: Vince Lupo
Description: You've been assigned to infultrate an area inhabited by cyberdemons and spiderdemons to destroy kill, maim and do various other fun things to every living thing you see. Many others have tryed and failed and thier worthless bodies litter the wall and floor. To tell the truth this is impossible. But dont let that dishearten you. Get out there and be a man (that means dont cheat). Have FUN! heh heh heh...
Credits: Deu2
Base: none
Build time:
Editor(s) used: deu2
Bugs: not very easy to find deathmatch companion sometimes
Rating: (3 votes)
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Bossmap with very simple architecture, texture use that made me yawn, absent decoration, and @ UV non-challenging and even dull gameplay because there's too much place to hide and the BFG is easy to find at the start. So agree with ^: creating the infight was the 'best-of-the-rest' part, which was a piece-of-cake. The rest was IMHO not worth a play at all.x
The best part was when I was able to get a cyberdemon to attack a spider mastermind.x
fun boss mapx

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