Title: SYMOSHR.WAD V ][.0
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/symoshr.zip
Size: 75.3 KB
Date: 04/21/03
Author: Symo (C) 1996
Description: My shrine's been taken over! Not only has my house been infested (see SYMOHOME.WAD) but now my fraggin' shrine as well! This level contains new textures, a large hidden area, NO CYBERDEMONS, some neat puzzles and some serious bloodletting. Have fun with the clean-up mates!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Couple of weeks. I can really use DeeP now!
Editor(s) used: DeeP 7.11 for map + nodes, RMB21 for rejects (use one lads!) Acorn !Paint, !ChangeFSI, DA's picture for gfx. !ToBMP for gfx conversion, DEUTEX for gfx inclusion
Bugs: none, though graphics won't display in Doom Legacy for some reason.
Rating: (5 votes)
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This is dated March 1996. It's horrible. It has some garish ugly textures that I assume are supposed to look like a Japanese temple; overall it's a confusingly-designed copy-and-paste switch hunt with a grid-like layout and no good fights. Ends with an irritating and completely unentertaining run-and-jump section.x

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