Title: The Catacombs
Filename: levels/heretic/a-c/catacomb.zip
Size: 22.61 KB
Date: 05/28/14
Author: Jimmy Greaney
Description: Deathmatch or Single player play, may be too small for cooperative though. If DM then have -nomonsters in mind. Tough level to find your way through even if you can kills all the monsters with no problem. (Hint: try finding a way to make pillars and waterfalls go down.)
Credits: Bill "DOC" Farrar who is one of the best Wad critics I've known. Thanx Doc.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Unknown
Editor(s) used: Unknown
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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no this wasn't made in 2014 : Release date : Prior to Jan 10, 1996 (H!Zone timestamp date)x
Walter said that this wad is "atrocious, even for the age it was made". ... It was made in 2014... :/ Either way, this IS atrocious. The entire level is filled with chequerboard missing textures and the level itself is a mess of Blue Keycards and hanging bodies. As well as that, there are loads of missing sprites etc. Avoid.x
walter confalonieri
atrocious, even for the age it was madex

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