Title: Haretick
Filename: levels/heretic/g-i/haretick.zip
Size: 40.13 KB
Date: 04/19/11
Author: Ben-James Tippey
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Unknown
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.80
Bugs: Unknown
Rating: (5 votes)
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It's totally unfair to write down a level made 20 years ago (it's from March 1995!!!), because it doesn't match nowadays standards. So rated as 1995 map: short but varying layout with lots of moving floors, consistent texture use, decent ambiance, and some simple but for that time amusing fights. Therefore it earns 3*.x
A lot of 90's maps get poor reviews for being bland and simple - but I quite liked the retro feel of this map - it could have been included in a shareware expansion episode back in the day - worth 10 minutes of your time to play x
walter confalonieri
Sure this map is basic... but have it's charm.x
Pew Bic Heretic 1/5x
1* for the wad, but 5* for the text file. We'll call that 3*.x

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