Title: Sacred
Filename: levels/heretic/s-u/sacred.zip
Size: 61.35 KB
Date: 04/05/06
Author: Wes Burd Jr.
Description: 1st Heretic Level Built Check it out, it get pretty intense at the end.
Credits: Id & Raven
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 1-2 months, on & off
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor Ver. 1.3O
Bugs: None!
Rating: (6 votes)
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Decent level, but overall the entire map/level is just too squarish/rectangular . The Dragon Claw is obtained far too late in the game, and the Phoenix Rod far too early. I love the Mace as a weapon, so I'm happy that there is plenty of ammo for it in this level.x
The first weapon you get is the Phoenix Rod, even though there are only 2 Gargoyles in front of you. Some areas are packed with monsters, others are not. By the end of the level there is a lot, and I mean a lot, of ammo left over (on UV setting). It's really unbalanced. Most intense is a maulotaur fight 1/3 of the way through. Somewhat pretty, but unbalanced.x
too bright. gameplay is ok. level needs to be designed in a better way, so it feels like a place or something. play the original maps, take screenshots of ares you like and go from there (for inspiration, not saying you need to copy those areas)x
Good map, nice gameplay, good balance but I found the level to be equally intense from the beginning to the end despite what the .txt says. Althought I think it remained pretty easy even without that stupid secret with infinite quartz flasks inside... 3/5. ~Naanx
A good map. Nice quality and detailed. Seems balanced. Haven't tried it on UV yet. Could have been a little better. The details are fine but doors are a little hard to distinguish. Texture alignment id good and the rooms are well inter-connected. Beautiful. x

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