Title: Symetrix level for Heretic
Filename: levels/heretic/s-u/sym.zip
Size: 49.85 KB
Date: 09/05/95
Author: Scott Mc Nutt
Description: A simple yet challenging new level for Heretic.It is a fairly large original level that will keep your finger on your crossbow.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DOOM Cad 6.1
Rating: (3 votes)
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Weird one. As the title implies, it's a symmetrical design. Uses stained glass textures all over the place. I've seen uglier, but the promised challenge is decidedly lacking, along with the fun. Also, the exit is a rather innocuous saint wall that you'd only press because it's in what's clearly the last room.x
Repetitive level design, loads of ammox

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