Title: DeatH.wad
Filename: levels/hexen/0-9/3fiffy3.zip
Size: 485.38 KB
Date: 06/28/96
Author: King REoL
Description: See !!Read!!.bat
Credits: See !!Read!!.bat
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Rating: (9 votes)
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A slugfest, but it feels like Hexen otherwise, and has some pretty good level design. Gameplay is pretty hard, with a lot of powerful enemies before you find your first weapon. Would be 4 stars if it didn't use all the ugly textures and silly sound effects. --plumsx
are ok...x
I have seen much worse but the real thing I can compare this to is a clogged toilet. Every inch you go there are monsters... I mean give a lil breather lol.... The lay out was solid bt boreing so I give a 2/5 x
Solid layout and challenging battles. Unlike what !!read!!.bat says, the Fighter is a bad idea, because he'll get pwned easily by the ranged guys. 4/5 - printzx
Not so bad. Quite entertaining if you want to have some action rather than just puzzle solving. Kinda wierd at some points, but not bad.x
Might've worked as a Doom level, but as it is it's pretty boring. Also, the new textures are ugly and the so-called "special effects" are not that great (the elevators are choppy and the strobe light is downright annoying).x
More meh. Hexen is not meant to be a slugfest :(.x

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