Title: HexQuake for HEXEN Final 1.0
Filename: levels/hexen/g-i/hexquake.zip
Size: 163.75 KB
Date: 05/01/96
Author: Yvon Lariviere Montreal,Quebec,Canada.
Credits: ID & Raven SoftWare
Base: Original
Build time: in Hours 300
Editor(s) used: Deep 8.15 The Best.(cont.Deacc & bsp)
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)
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A competently made level, though not as good as the second and third installments. The scripting was a bit cheesy in places, especially the wall which kills you if you touch it. Also you must be very observant to pass the level, to the point of it being like having keys in secrets in Doom. The book didn't do anything as far as I could tell.x

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