Title: nypros1.zip
Filename: lmps/doom2/1.9/nypros1.zip
Size: 69.13 KB
Date: 07/11/95
Author: Embrionic Pete
Description: Watch as these 2 Ny Pros go at it on Lev 16. Each possessing a distinct style and approach
Credits: Merlock, for beating on lev 7 the other day 38-34, keeping me humble =) Noskill, although we have not yet met up in battle, I have learned from ur lmps. Chunkk, for the silent Bfg shooting. Brass Monkey, for just being one of the best doomers!! My partner in crime. He beats me as much as I beat him, I guess I should upload something by him.. Nah hehehe Datasquid, for introducing me to this very addictive drug, Doom ][ Deathmatch!! U rule!!
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