Title: MAPRUNNER - Visualizator and Invoker of Maps.
Filename: utils/frontends/maprun13.zip
Size: 142.94 KB
Date: 12/14/02
Description: Principal Functions The program permits to invoke a WAD file of constructions, open it to visualize and then start a game session, in the one the number of level is correctly invoked.
Credits: iD Software - For their games mentioned above. e-mail: help@idsoftware.com Olivier Montanuy - For his WinTex 4.3 e-mail: montanuy@inf.enst.fr
Base: The program is based on the source code of WinTex 4.3 by Olivier Montanuy. The code of WinTex is of Public Domain and you can find it here: http://www.doomworld.com
Build time: Two days approximatively, considering tests and depurations.
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: Anyone by the moment.
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