Title: Zeh
Filename: levels/doom2/v-z/zeh.zip
Size: 41.3 KB
Date: 02/03/06
Author: Jeremy Zeh
Description: Medium-sized map with uncomplicated design and well-planned gameplay.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 20 hours
Editor(s) used: WadEd by Matthew Ayres and GDR by Ivan Hawkes and Scott Little
Bugs: Some minor HOMs and a minimal REJECT overflow
Rating: (5 votes)
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Getsu Fune
easy but very ugly with some backtracking.x
I'll make it short: it's boring. Gameplay is very easy, but nontheless annoying, because you have to run long ways from one locked door to another and back through ugly, randomly textured rooms and areas. 1/5 -Milianx
Moyen passe a la 4e vie - 3/5 - Eye'sx

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