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Embraced - Treehouseminis
Embraced is a set of 3 mbf21 maps focusing on combat puzzle and slaughter. Lots of green and wood textures. Id put overall difficulty at "Medium" compared to today's top difficulty standard. Dont be afraid to drop down to ...
Extra Beany Canned Doom - Stupid Bunny
************************************************************************ --- IMPORTANT --- COMPATABILITY SHIT ************************************************************************ * Play in any limit-removing port ** ...
Never-Ending Demon Witch - Cacodemon124
Survive endless waves of spawning monsters in this huge arena! With your weapons & items...
Polish Community Project - Polish Doom Community (see CR...
A classic Doom gameplay made by the members of Polish Doom Community. Run with -complevel 9, NO jumping. Freelook is recommended disabled.
In and Out - ElSincho
This is my first map for DOOM 2. Please enjoy!
Fairchild Island - Lawrence
The ruins on Fairchild Island were famous. It was believed that an ancient water shirne lay deep within the heart of this place. It's also a great fishing spot. Another boat has to be somewhere around here ... ...right?
Revenant Hallway - Meowgi (Lead) 4shockblast, AltimaMantoid, Ber...
Welcome to Revhallway.wad! Maps must contain Revenants. Maps must contain a hallway. That's it. (Maps 49-51 are inaccessible through normal play. They are also impossible to run) (Secret exit on MAP13 exits to 52, to 53,...
Waffle House - myolden et al.
Waffle House is a set of 9 MBF21 maps by a small group of people who decided to get together and answer a simple question: "What is bro waffling about?". Maps are balanced for pistol start, target port is DSDA, and difficu...
Rise of the Triangles - Ilya Lazarev (joe-ilya)
Low budget alert! It has gotten so bad the environment, and even your head have turned into the least cost-effective shapes to draw; triangles, with each map only using 100 linedefs. You must find the bottle reusing center...
(The Ultimate) Return to Hadron - Matt "Cannonbal...
The 4 episode compilation of the Return to Hadron saga, initially revisiting old locations with a better grasp of the map edition, this has evolved into a full megawad that leads to hostile new worlds.
Maiden Voyage - Terry Wormstone (Mustangtel)
For some, a maiden voyage may end in disaster....
bp72.wad - NiGHTS108, tonytheparrot, Yagacaw, Walter, Dy...
A few weeks ago, several mappers loosely gathered together in the Pineapple Under The Sea Speedmapping server to celebrate the birthday of the project lead of most PUSS wads and its founder, BluePineapple72 Thanks for ever...
Junkfood 3: Wow Wow West - Meowgi (Lead) 4shockblast, Ad...
Wad Trailer: https://youtu.be/CqjkbA1AloI Junkfood 3 is an MBF21-compatible Speedmapping Community Project held in Meowgi's Pacifist Paradise Discord Server which features 94 newly designed slaughter levels; This time, w...
Doom 2 In City Only - myolden et al.
Doom 2 In City Only is a 36 map megawad in MBF21 format featuring nothing but city maps. Some of these maps are very large, so it is recommended you play with OpenGL. The set was primarily tested in dsda-doom. There are 6 ...
The Box - Peter Moro
Puzzles, action, mystery, secrets, surprises, and an intense final showdown. This is a puzzle-wad with twelve secrets in total. Finding these secrets is not necessary but encouraged as you'll be rewarded with the best i...
Dead Meat - Paul Corfiatis
Three decent sized challenging maps for Doom 2 requiring a limit removing sourceport.
Neurotic Lifestyle - Celulamp/CellularLamp
A 7-level black and white ska-themed doom map pack.
eniarM - Cacodemon124
Survive as long as you can to kill the "eniarM"...! with your Weapons and Items!
Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom - Level Collection - The French Do...
A collection of 8 new Ultimate Doom levels released alongside the release of "Le Gars Qui A Fait Doom", the official French translation of John Romero's autobiography ("Doom Guy - Life in First Person"). These maps are all...
10 Line Genocide - NiGHTS108, 4shockblast, Amiga Angel, Ar_e_en,...
10 Line Genocide is a Boom compatible speedmapping project requiring a UMAPINFO port, initially conceived as a parody of the 100 Line Massacre series on a Twitch livestream, but quickly ballooned into a massive undertaking...
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