Title: Sirens II
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/sirenszd.zip
Size: 2.5 MB
Date: 06/13/11
Author: Wraithchilde
Description: This is a 14 level pwad designed to go with Sirens (my sprite wad).
Credits: I got some of the textures from these places:
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDeu, WinTex, Deth (for special things)
Bugs: Well, I tried every freakin nodes builder I could find and still wound up with a few screwy lines in one or two places.
Rating: (11 votes)
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not really ;)x
^ya know, you don't have to play it, dickhead. this is a pretty solid mapset, so whay if you are killing succubus creatures, it is the spirit of doom. 4/5 -deathknight.x
I personally enjoyed this WAD very much. Yes, it's quite easy with the uberhealth and quite fun with those powerful weapons (quad shotgun, shotchaingun and others). It's even more funnier with the sirens sounds and stuff. And the design of some levels even if simple, give a nice rpg atmosphere. Big problem, bugs that make you stuck on at least in two levels. Minus one point for that. 4/5 - Optimusx
The sprites in the original sirens wad were actually well done, I expected crappy porn images but they ended up being awesome sprites (with some nudity, but I don't see why anyone over the age of 13 would care). I was initially excited about this new update but it turns out that it just messes with the old levels a bit. I'd be more happy if the graphics got upgraded/redone but that's just me. 3/5x

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