Title: shrek vs doomguy 2: the squeakel
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/shrek2.zip
Size: 4.49 MB
Date: 08/08/13
Author: chesse20
Description: 2 more ACTION PAKCED LEVELS. when we last left off doomguy blew up shreks cloning machine and stopped his plan to turn the world into a big swamp. later he went to anthrocon 2013 and meet some cool dudes that wanted to join his quest for world domination. my floating head (sometimes it just flys away) and al "gangsta bee" capwn now they have created a new cloning machine and the world is in trouble agian. can u save the world this time?
Credits: dreamworks, captian toenail, tormenter667 , magicwizard, naruto[nu]
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 days
Editor(s) used: slade, doombuilder
Bugs: theres gangster bees
Rating: (17 votes)
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